Wednesday 15 December 2010

Personal Feedback & Planned Amendments Of Front Cover Draft 1

Looking at the front cover, it actually looks really good however only in the right that it's a first draft. Although I've already come a long way in the development there is still a long way to go as not only do I feel it needs amendments and additional things, but so do other people as we can see from the feedback. The changes which I will note below are simply a guideline of things that have been asked by either the target audience or things that I feel need amending.

- Make the headmast stand out more by using a deeper-pink colour as well as a thin black border with a 2 px thickness.
- Lighten the pinkness of the piggybank in the artists hand.
- Add a larger contrast tone within the artists image so that the light tones appear whiter whilst the dark tones appearer darker.
- Make barcode smaller.
- Add in Issue number, Date and Price.
- Add in light pink streaks behind the headmast.
- Bring the headmast downwards a little on the front cover and add some leading artists names above it; almost like a headbanner.
- Give the front cover the artists name "Elle Flowers" in the bottom left hand corner.

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