Wednesday 15 December 2010

Feedback From Members Of Target Audience

Louise Forster Aged 17

"I really enjoy the image as it adds humour to the front cover. Y'know, usually you get fake and plastic models on the cover which put a lot of people off from buying it, especially me. I love how both the headmast and piggy bank have the same tones of colour whilst the rest of the colours in the image are black and white. It makes the cover really eye catching and different - all things that we have never seen before on a magazine cover, it's something that the market needs. I have a few things I would like to point out though. Firstly I feel as if the headmast doesn't jump off of the page or is as eye catching as it could be. So, that would be one thing that you could possibly improve. Another is that there is no issue number, date or price which could get a lot of people muddled up as they wouldn't know if it was in date or not.

Overall I think you have done really well and you have clearly put in a lot of effort. Please take in my comment and suggestions as this is a magazine I would really like to have on the market. I'd actually buy it if it was available."

Lucy Fisher Aged 19

"First impressions are pretty important and I would say you have hit mine straight on the head - it's brilliant! The colour tones of both the magazine name and the pig make it feel better and more appealing as things are co-ordinating. I like the image on the cover because all the time am I seen on music magazine covers are fake musicians that have no clothes on. Your front cover is different from anything I've ever seen an you should take pride in that. To really grad the viewers attention there should be a headline or something that represents the singer! Also there is no date or price! Great magazine and good look with any changes!"

Freddie Daly Aged 18

"Well...I get the impression that this is a girls magazine straight away because of the pink. I'm more into black and blue rather then pretty pink and red. But I would like to say that the cover is different from what I've seen before and it'd encourage me to purchase the magazine pink or not. Usually we just see naked girls on the cover with a fiddle or a guitar or something. It's not appealing and it makes me not want to buy the music magazine. If I could just say that there is no date or price on it so I wouldn't know how much it would cost!?"

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