Wednesday 8 December 2010

Poll/ Questionnaire

Below is a questionnaire that I intend to ask around my friends and family which will assist me on further to creating a better music magazine.
What age range do you lie within?
- <15
- 15 – 24
- 24 – 35
- 35 – 55

Are you male or female?

What Socio-Economic Category do you feel part of?
What is the maximum amount of money you would insist on spending on a music magazine?
Where do you usually purchase this magazine?

Would you say that you passed the magazine on to other friends to read?
- No
- Yes

If yes to the previous question, how many people?
-Above 5

What do you expect to be in the magazine?
-Exclusive Interviews
-Concert Information

Would you like to see something new in future music magazines and if so, what?

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