Wednesday 8 December 2010

First Thoughts & Ideas Of Front Cover, Contents & Double Page Spread

When I look at a music magazines such as "Rolling Stones," I get a sudden urge of butterflies in my tummy. All of the images that you see above are all from previous music magazines and the one thing that they all have in common is how natural and beautiful they are. I feel very inspired by such photography that it actually makes me want to create something of a similar kind. Music magazines are a thing of beauty that behold loving messages. I really do feel deep down that there is no conventions of music magazines about the artist having their instruments on the cover. I've chosen the category 'pop' purposely as I know that some of the music magazines reflect the personality of the artist.

Front Cover
I hope that the front cover will have gentle and warm tones which has a large sense of natural emotions. I want it to be stripped back so the artist is bare and beautiful.

Contents Page
Unlike a lot of contents pages that I have come across, I am wishing to create one that is very visual as to textual based.

Double Page Spread
As I am intending my front cover to be natural, I want to further this into the imagery of imagination; almost as if you're looking deep into the artist's mind. Double page spreads are all about the artists and what makes them tick, which is why i intend to do just that with my artist.

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