Wednesday 8 December 2010

Personal Feedback From Questionnaire

Over recent months, a lot of people have said how magazines in a physical matter are slowly dying out as more and more are being bought off of the internet. However from my questionnaire which featured a lot of college teens, not many of them actually tended to purchase theirs off of the internet; yet more in shops. So whilst creating my magazine cover, I still need to bare in mind as much as ever that the logo needs to be in view; top, left-hand corner.

Not only are readers in the rest of the UK low in the Socio-Economic categories but so are many people in my questionnaire. This has certainly raised highlight, more then before that a magazine needs to be created that is no more then £2…£3 pushing it. There is no point creating a magazine for me to put on the market which is expensive which no one will buy. I need to have a reasonable pricing which would ensure a higher income over a period of time.

As a lot of people tend to pass on the magazines to other friends as shown in my questionnaire, this therefore means that my magazine would rank higher within the advertisement business. More people would see their advertisements which would therefore mean I can charge higher pricing for single and double pages. This is a great point as it would ensure I could spend more money on features such as better interviews and images without having to up the pricing up of the magazine.

In my questionnaire, the majority of people that purchased a magazine related to the pop music was were female. This has showed me that I shouldn’t incorporate large male aspects to the magazine as this would cause a decreased in female readers and isn’t a guarantee of male readers.

One of the main comments that stood out for me was more imaginative images. Word for word the person stated that they were sick of seeing paparazzi images of the celebrities in their magazines as it makes them feel extremely intrusive. When taking my images I will keep this in mind so that they don’t come across as intrusive or unprofessional.

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