Thursday 21 October 2010

Discarded Images Within All Of The Development

When taking the image, the sun directly shined into the camera which caused my female model to become quite shadowed whilst sections of the image became quite darkened. Also the angle within this image is quite awkward and there is also no tree which I had initially intended to be within the photograph.

Shining too brightly, the sun has made the image of Oak to bright making me unable to use it on my contents page. Also what I had in mind for my contents page was a gentle blue sky, where as this image was just a shear white shade.

I wanted to truly capture an all natural photograph however by asking my model to stand and pose while he directly looked into the camera, I didn't at all capture the "oh natural."

As my model moved whilst I had taken the image, the final product came across as quite blurred and unfocused.

I initially thought that this was going to be the final image for my front cover, however it wasn't until I actually viewed it full size on my Mac when I realized how specific aspects to my image were wrong. The first thing which really bothered me was the books which the person was holding. As they where quite far out compared to the model, the camera focused onto the books as to her, causing her to become quite unfocused and blurry. Also, having them once again to close to the lens, the books look completely out of proportion compared to the model creating a feeling of an unbalance within the image. As I’d not correctly took the image, the books have been dissected out of the photo as well as the models hand. This gives the photo extremely bad framing and allows to much space towards to upper end of the image. Having such an photograph with these faults on the cover would look un-professional and tacky. I don’t feel as if I would be able to capture that true college sensation with this sort of photograph

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