Monday, 21 February 2011

Further Feedback From Media Teacher

Media Teacher's Feedback:

Front Cover:

- Change the magazine issue number to a later date.
- More bolder colours (Pink Tones)
- Associate each story on the cover with it's own individual colours as apposed to use both black and pink colours
- Differentiate the masthead (make it slightly bolder)

Contents Page:

- Add in caption/quote to the picture of Elle
- Replace the magazine information in the bottom, right-hand corner with an editors letter or something similar

Double Page Spread:

- In some places in the article is "Ellie" where in some other sections the name is "Elle" - rectify this mistake
- Split the contents of the page on to the left and the right hand side of the pages to make sure it flows with the      folded page.
- Add in the Envy Logo on the page somewhere

Personal Feedback:

Front Cover:

- As the Pink tones are too light, add in a further house style colour (blue) that co-ordinates and contrasts with the pink. From this change, I will modify the masthead and change it to a blue colour so that it becomes bolder and stands out from the magazine shelf more.

- Remove 'Bieber Fever, Yes/No" from the cover as it adds no specific suspension to the cover. Replace it with a more intense story.

-Change the 'Ellie Goulding' font the new blue house style colours so that it co-ordinates with the masthead.

- Rather then have small tasters such as artist names at the top of the magazines, modify these and have a suspense and intriguing aspect of the magazine.

- Add in popular pop artist names onto the cover so that it gives the audience a larger taste as to what and who is going to be within the magazine (encouraging them more to purchase it)

- Remove slanted banner which is currently causing disorientation to the front cover.

Contents Page

- Add in the new house style color Blue so that the houe style and wholesome feel continues through-out the magazine. (Specifically within the font and titles)

- Remove the plain-like diamonds and add in large page numbers onto the contents page which gives the reader a better feel of direction through-out the magazine.

- Rather then having a boring white background, I intend to add in a picture of Ellie who is photographed against a white like background and extend this background across the page.

- Change the old envy masthead from the cover and update it to the new masthead.

- Add in 'Featured', 'Latest' and 'Review' banners into the contents page so that it becomes more structured and easier to navigate.

- To give the magazines a more warm-like greeted feel, I will add in a editor's letter which will make the audience feel more enticed to become part of the 'family' like feel to the magazine; which in the future will encourage them to feel the need to be updated and purchase the weekly magazine.

Double Page Spread

- Add in the new house style color Blue so that the houe style and wholesome feel continues through-out the magazine. (Specifically within the butterflies)

- Reduce some of the article so that I am able to fit in an image of the singer's album with details on how and where to purchase it.

- Assign the article to a horizontal postion so that it descends across the two pages like the generic and conventional music magazine.

Draft 3: Front Cover, Contents Page & Double Page Spread

Personal Feedback & Comments On Media Teachers' Feedback & Grade

I honestly can not express how overjoyed I am with the feedback and grade given to all of my hard work. As you can see, there isn't a great deal of things that I need to change or additionally add in as Phil, my media teacher is quite content with everything that I have presented. All of my research and planning has been graded at an A however my final products so far have been graded only B+. This has brought down the 'normal' A to a dismal A-, however with his feedback I hope to change my final products into the best that they can be.

There appears to be no problems with my contents page nor double page spread so I will leave these as they are and only focus on my front cover. Generically, front covers have more then one story titles to really drag in the readers attention. Also, as pointed out by Phil, there is no link between the front cover image and the actual front cover. To achieve this connection, there needs to be a lot more text that acts as an anchorage in the sense that it brings the two together and pins them down.

Front Cover
- Add in banner that is on an angle across the corner of the bottom right-hand side that advertises 50% off of concert tickets.
- At the bottom of the page next to the barcode, add in copyright symbol and magazine name as well as Envy website.
- Remove original headmast that was next to the model and re-add the name in as "ellie gould" in the font 'TrueBlood.'
- Add in quote above the headmast that relates to both her and the image on the cover.
- Finally, insert stories that feature in the magazine on both the left and right hand sides of the magazine.

Contents Page
- Remove the pink square block that is on the main image and add in a light, pink brush stroke (top of image)
- Change the writing on the image to 'TrueBlood' as well as writing above the printed magazine.
- As I will have changed elements on the front cover, the current printed magazine image on the contents page will therefore be different. To correct this, simply add in the new cover.
- Change the singers name on the contents page and correct 'Photography' spelling error.
- As my contents page is only based on one side of A4 paper, insert an advertisement next to it to show as an example how it would look in the actual magazine.

Double Page Spread
- Change the singers name to the new and correct one: "Ellie Gould."

Feedback From Media Teacher