Media Teacher's Feedback:
Front Cover:
- Change the magazine issue number to a later date.
- More bolder colours (Pink Tones)
- Associate each story on the cover with it's own individual colours as apposed to use both black and pink colours
- Differentiate the masthead (make it slightly bolder)
Contents Page:
- Add in caption/quote to the picture of Elle
- Replace the magazine information in the bottom, right-hand corner with an editors letter or something similar
Double Page Spread:
- In some places in the article is "Ellie" where in some other sections the name is "Elle" - rectify this mistake
- Split the contents of the page on to the left and the right hand side of the pages to make sure it flows with the folded page.
- Add in the Envy Logo on the page somewhere
Personal Feedback:
Front Cover:
- As the Pink tones are too light, add in a further house style colour (blue) that co-ordinates and contrasts with the pink. From this change, I will modify the masthead and change it to a blue colour so that it becomes bolder and stands out from the magazine shelf more.
- Remove 'Bieber Fever, Yes/No" from the cover as it adds no specific suspension to the cover. Replace it with a more intense story.
-Change the 'Ellie Goulding' font the new blue house style colours so that it co-ordinates with the masthead.
- Rather then have small tasters such as artist names at the top of the magazines, modify these and have a suspense and intriguing aspect of the magazine.
- Add in popular pop artist names onto the cover so that it gives the audience a larger taste as to what and who is going to be within the magazine (encouraging them more to purchase it)
- Remove slanted banner which is currently causing disorientation to the front cover.
Contents Page
- Add in the new house style color Blue so that the houe style and wholesome feel continues through-out the magazine. (Specifically within the font and titles)
- Remove the plain-like diamonds and add in large page numbers onto the contents page which gives the reader a better feel of direction through-out the magazine.
- Rather then having a boring white background, I intend to add in a picture of Ellie who is photographed against a white like background and extend this background across the page.
- Change the old envy masthead from the cover and update it to the new masthead.
- Add in 'Featured', 'Latest' and 'Review' banners into the contents page so that it becomes more structured and easier to navigate.
- To give the magazines a more warm-like greeted feel, I will add in a editor's letter which will make the audience feel more enticed to become part of the 'family' like feel to the magazine; which in the future will encourage them to feel the need to be updated and purchase the weekly magazine.
Double Page Spread
- Add in the new house style color Blue so that the houe style and wholesome feel continues through-out the magazine. (Specifically within the butterflies)
- Reduce some of the article so that I am able to fit in an image of the singer's album with details on how and where to purchase it.
- Assign the article to a horizontal postion so that it descends across the two pages like the generic and conventional music magazine.