Wednesday 15 December 2010

House Style

As overtime, my magazine will constantly change depending on the mood, season and artist. For every time the colour theme on the front cover is blue, the same tones will stay consistent in the double page spread and contents. At the moment, my masthead is currently a jet black colour which isn't what I wish for it to stay at all. When the tones of the magazine are blue for example, then tones of blue will feature within the masthead.

On this edition of my magazine, I'm going to use faint tones of light pink and charcoal grey which will reflect the cheery festive season. I want my target audience to be able to look at my magazine cover and instantly feel indulged; so much that they have to buy it and loose themselves within it. These colour tones will of course feature within the contents page, front cover, masthead and double page spread which will provide feelings of consistency.

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