Wednesday 15 December 2010

Feedback From Members Of Target Audience

Louise Forster Aged 17

"It's nice again to see the same colours and styles on the contents page. Even if you wouldn't have told me that the this was the contents page for the front cover, I would of known anyway as there is a good house style going on. A lot of magazine don't do this and I sometimes forget that I am reading the same magazine. However once again there is still bad things on it just like the front cover. You have missed a date out of the contents page and I think that the pink diamonds are a little the same and repetitive and get a little boring. Changing and adding these two things would perfect it matthew."

Lucy Fisher Aged 19

"Wow, this is really good just like the front cover, well done. The colours and fancy patterns are very similar which make the front cover and contents page feel like a family. You have followed the conventions of having the different stories and page numbers which looks really good. The only thing i seem to be missing is page numbers? "

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