Wednesday 8 December 2010

Final Verdict: Target Audience & Cost

Looking back to when I first started this whole process, I thought I had a perfect target audience in mind. However, as time has gone on, that first thought has slowly diminished due to the magazine researches as well as the questionnaire. I can honestly say that all of the analysis has put me in a perfect state of mind into deciding my target audience. As I'm creating a pop magazine, I can't necessarily focus everything towards a middle aged man that enjoys playing football. On the other hand, Top Of The Pops is also a prime example of everything that I didn't want my magazine to be. It appeared shabby, cheap and too overwhelming, all because of it's target audience of a younger audience.

I was wanting something along the lines of mid-teens to early twenties; both of which highlighting the process of growing up and not being at the height of sophistication. As stated previously, I don't wish for my magazine to infer morals of being too fat nor too skinny, however just being yourself. In the questionnaire I did realise that Pop magazines aren't really focused towards the stereotypical straight men as they have their own specialised category such as hip hop, rap or dance. NME is a great example of a music magazine that shows a larger amount of women readers with there being a 2:1 ratio.

After great consideration, my pop music magazine will be focused towards male and female audiences; most preferably female audiences however the odd male that specialises in the same characteristics that women do. On top of this, as it will be sectioned in the market within the age gap 15-24, the Socio-Economic group will have to be at the lower end of the scale; more or less C2, D and E. The price will be around £3 which isn't too much or too less; adorability that will give the same impression that NME gives and Billboard.

My chosen demographics means that these are the sort of people that are requiring new information on a weekly basis as too monthly. I get the impression that no matter how much work goes into a monthly magazine, it's always a month being. A weekly magazine will ensure that my readers are constantly relishing for more over the continuing weeks; unable to survive without it.

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