Friday 22 October 2010

Evaluation Of Magazine Cover & Contents

Although it has taken a great extent of time to develop and physically create my ideas into the best they could be, each minute has truly been worth it. My final magazine cover and contents are both two things that I am incredibly proud of. Taking centre stage on the cover, the denotation is a blonde, female students sitting down in the library catching up on some studies as gentle light caresses her cheeks. The light has very warm connotations of perseverance and high hopes - bright light guides people into the future towards success. Due to the gentle red tones within the girl's shirt, I feel a sense of a winter warmth as it contrasts with the gentle radiance's of white, both in the new Wyke masthead and soothing vector shape.  The snowy-white headlines on the front cover almost act as an anchorage to the image, reflecting how good things are to come so keep your head up. I really wanted to emphasise that christmas is soon upon us and I did this of course by having the contrast of warm soothing red against the snowy white.

Circulating the magazine cover, a bold and defined border almost makes the image and headlines jump out. To make sure that the border and image didn't feel to fragmented, I conjucted the two together by allowing a small proportion of the masthead to seep out onto the edge. For me to have a somewhat house theme then I had to continue the style of the cover onto the actual contents page which included fonts and colours that shared similarities. On the cover of my magazine I included caressive light and a tree within the image. These two elements stay featured within the content page's background. The denotation of the background image is a college destination with fine light seeping through the top left hand side corner however the connotations say so much more. The way the light caresses the college buildings I feel reflects how college is the place where you follow the light to your future. At the top of the page, the headline font and style is exactly the same as the font and style of the Wyke text whilst the content information is the same font as the headlines on the cover. Once again the border style layout has stayed constant onto the contents page so the cover didn't come across as fragmented and be something completely different to the contents.

I would like to say that the ideology of my magazine cover is to perhaps infer some inspiration onto everyone that views it. Main headlines and exciting stories have hopefully intrigued the college students to read the magazine and learn more with what is occuring within their own college.

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