Tuesday 5 October 2010

Brief Introduction

The brief states that a preliminary task for AS media must be completed prior to the main task. This requires myself to create a top-notch college/magazine cover which will demonstrate a student in a medium close-up camera aspect. It will be accompanied by appropriately laid-out text and an additional masthead; simply all of the compulsory elements to any magazine. In addition to this, a contents page should also be created as a somewhat second page to the front cover. I’m required to generate these basics by using digital manipulation software such as Adobe Photoshop and by also using primary sourced images that have been produced by myself. Through-out the process and journey of this magazine design, I will constantly be blogging to state how the experience is going; good, bad and why. But above that, it will often contain a lot of planning and ideas which I will therefore widen and then they will hopefully, eventually blossom into a stunning magazine cover and contents!! By blogging, there is certainly a lot more to offer as I can demonstrate the development and process much more electronically, overall, meaning I can reflect it through video, sound and colour images; all much more effective.


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